Effective March 17, 2025, the Marin County Superior court will increase their e-Filing transaction fee from $2.25 to $8.00. This adjustment aligns with California Rule of Court 2.506 and Government Code §68150(l) and will help the court continue to support electronic access to court records and e-Filing in Marin County. Read the official release
All posts by Chris Haley
File on an Existing Case with Auto-File
For users that have enabled Auto-File on their account, you may follow the steps below to file on an existing case where our system will attempt to extract all relevant document and party information from your uploaded documents to reduce your filing time. Important: Our software will examine your documents to extract and auto-fill your […]
Initiate a New Case with Auto-File
For users that have enabled Auto-File on their account, you may follow the steps below to initiate a brand new case where our system will attempt to extract all relevant document and party information from your uploaded documents to reduce your filing time. Important: Our software will examine your documents to extract and auto-fill your […]
Enable/Disable Auto-File Feature
To turn the Auto-File feature on or off, filers can adjust their User Preferences.
Cook County Summons Service Fee
Effective January 1, 2025, Public Act 103-671 and Senate Bill 0688 requires the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County to collect and remit to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office five dollars ($5.00) for each party at the time of civil filings where private process service is utilized for any summons or alias summons.
The Superior Court of California – County of Los Angeles – Appellate eFiling FAQs
Effective December 16, 2024, the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles will require that all documents filed in Appellate Division cases by litigants represented by attorneys be submitted to the Court by electronic filing (efiling). Efiled documents in the Appellate Division are subject to Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, Penal Code section […]
E-Filing Now Available in the Los Angeles Superior Court Appellate Division
On December 16, 2024, the Los Angeles Superior Court Appellate Division moved to electronic filing (e-filing).
Add Ventura Court Cases to Your Account
To add your Ventura Superior Court case to your account, adjust your case number by removing the first two digits, all dashes, and the three-letter suffix. For example, case 56-2023-00123456-CU-OE-VTA will be reformatted as 202300123456CUOE.
The Superior Court of California – County of Ventura – eFiling FAQs
1. How does e-Filing work? Electronic filing of court documents occurs through a certified Electronic Filing Service Provider, or EFSP. The filing party creates an account with the certified EFSP of their choice, uploads filing documents, and pays any court fees and specific service or convenience fees to the EFSP. The EFSP transmits documents and […]
eFiling Now Available in the Ventura Superior Court
Effective December 9, 2024, permissive e-filing is available into the following case types in the Ventura Superior Court: Unlimited Civil, Limited Civil, Small Claims, and Probate case types.