On June 26, 2021, the process to resubmit rejected filings in San Diego Superior Court Civil and Probate cases will change slightly. To resubmit these rejected filings, you will need to simply copy the filing first, then you may edit the new copy and submit it.
All posts by Chris Haley
First Appearance Fees and Stipulations in the San Diego Civil Court
When a Stipulation is filed in the San Diego Civil Court, it is filed on behalf of ALL signing parties. The assessed Stipulation Fee will be the First Appearance fee for any of those signing parties who have not paid it at the time of filing the Stipulation. Sample Request for Refund Rejection when the […]
Document Is Too Large Rejections from the Filing Clerk
Sometimes the Court rejects a filing because the document is too large
How Do I Electronically File? Frequently Asked Questions
For many people, electronic filing can be an overwhelming experience; whether this is your first time filing, your secretary is sick and you need to get a filing to the court ASAP, or you just aren’t sure where to start. This article will take you through some of our most asked questions to help you file quicker and easier.
Pro Se and Self Represented Litigant E-Filing Guide
Electronic filing can be an overwhelming experience. To help assist you with your filing, here are some of our frequently asked questions new filers ask to help you file quicker and easier. This information covers the states of California, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Texas.
E-service Notifications and Rejected Filings
If the court rejects a filing, all service contacts receive an email notification from the state’s EFM. This let’s everyone know the court’s recalled the service.
Cancel a Filing That Was Submitted to the Court
If a filing is still Pending, and the filing clerk has not begun their review of the filing, then the user may cancel the filing.
Breaking Up PDFs when they Exceed Court’s File Size Limit
If you find that optimizing, compressing, or reducing the file size of a PDF still results in a document too large for submission, some courts allow you to split up your into 2 or more PDFs.
Bookmark PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat
Users may bookmark PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat for any document that contains an index; including appendices and exhibits in support of writ petitions.
Text-Searchable PDFs
Many courts prefer Text Searchable PDFs—some courts even require them be text searchable.