To search for your case at Kankakee County use either of the following formats: 2023 XX 00000123 (full year + space + case type + space + number) or 23XX123 (last digits of year +case type + number without leading zeros) Your case number will be on the top right of your court documents.
Category: Illinois
Initiate a New Case in the State of Illinois
Initiate a New Case in the State of Illinois, electronically serve or mail the accepted documents to parties and/or attorneys.
Payment Processor Information for E-Filing in the State of Illinois
The State of Illinois uses the Tyler Technologies Odyssey e-File system as their Electronic Filing Manager (EFM). That EFM uses its own credit card processing service called Tyler Online Gateway (TOGA). It authorizes and charges all fees the court assesses.
File on an Existing Case in the State of Illinois
Learn how to File on an Existing Case in the Courts for the State of Illinois and electronically serve (e-serve) parties relevant documents.